Enhanced Locking Experience on Sync (mimic file server experience) - Auto-Lock & Unlock
Adapt the Box Sync / Box for Desktop lock/unlock experience to mimic the standard locking UX that users are familiar with from Windows file servers.
Example screenshot from file server UX: https://cloud.box.com/s/4px71vfralrlpnj6x9sdeoquyxdellg6
Key Components:
-Pop-up upon double-clicking a file to ask user if they'd like to check out (lock) a file or open a read-only version
-Auto-unlock upon closing the file

We currently do not have any new features planned for Box Sync. This is something that is under consideration for Box Drive. Please see that request here: https://pulse.box.com/admin/v3/suggestions/35983087/.
Anonymous commented
I have to agree with Brad here on the proper use of "locking" a file. This post may be outdated but pertains to our current use of Box Drive for Windows. When someone right clicks on an office file in Box Drive and selects "Lock", this should lock it for everyone else that has access to this file and only editable by the person that locks it. If anyone else does try to open the file they should get a pop up saying the file is locked by "user" and will open with the typical "Read only ..." message in the top menu bar.
Look at your competitor (we use both Box and them). They have done it right. I would strongly recommend you take a look.