Add "Copy' and 'open' functionality to the Viewer permission
A Viewer cannot copy a file within Box, but be aware that Viewers have the ability to download the file and upload it somewhere else.
If users are still able to download and then re-upload content, what are the potential downfalls of providing them with the copy functionality as part of the Viewer permission?

Anonymous commented
It must be better for Box folder viewers to be able to not only [preview] or [download] but also [copy] and [open] files in the folder via web browser.
As of now, viewers cannot see contents of the files that has no preview feature from web browser despite they are "viewer". This is inconvenient.Webブラウザを利用してビューアー権限のフォルダを開いた際、ファイルの[コピー]と[開く]を実行できることを希望いたします。
現状は[プレビュー]と[ダウンロード]しか実行できません。現仕様ですと、プレビュー非対応のファイルをWebブラウザで直接開くことができないため不便です。 -
AdminAlexis Fritel (Admin, Box) commented
Very often with CCM opportunities, customers want users to be able to create documents from existing templates. These templates are maintained by a given team, and the other users can't delete/modify/update these templates.
Box doesn't offer a way for viewer to copy a file a file to another folder. They have to download the file and upload to another folder. This is very annoying.
Granting people with viewer+uploader is not a valid workaround because this allow users to update the document.
Viewer should be able to copy files. Copy should surface as a button/command not only as a shortcut as for viewer+uploader. Of course viewer can't be granted with move permission.