Seamless Sign On - Box Drive
Like OneDrive, we want the ability for the box drive client to seamlessly sign into box without any user integration at login. This will benefit;
- VDI users
- Hot desk users
- Students (e.g. lab machines)
- First time logon for staff allocated devices
We understand this won't work for everybody but we to SSO to box via Azure AD and all of our 7,500 managed devices are joined to both on-premises AD and Azure AD. In fact we're starting have a slow migration to pure Azure AD.
This has stopped any large scale rollout and we have seen an increased number of requests to enable OneDrive for users who need cloud storage. Our success is measured on user experience and the current box drive client is not helping!

Anonymous commented
it´s needed!
Anonymous commented
Digital user experience is a huge topic for a lot of enterprises today, please consider implementing this solution to make the already great Box Drive even greater with a 0-touch login experience.
We have an ability today to store login credentials for non-persistent VDI environments (requires admin configuration) after the user logs in for the first time. Would that help address your needs at all?
Outside of the non-persistent use case noted above, users currently have to log in the first time, but after that their credentials persist for a while as long as they are active.