box drive metadata
With some of the new updates coming to Metadata, I'd like to request that Box Drive be able to support updates to Metadata on a folder/file.
As a start, a context menu option that would take a user directly to the metadata page.

Thanks for the feedback! This isn’t currently planned, but please keep the use cases coming to help us prioritize it.
John Nickell commented
Use Case: We are trying to improve visibility of where content related to a given "project" is located. Most of this content is located under the central project folder. which the recent changes allow us to assign metadata at the folder level.
It would be helpful to allow someone to assign a metadata template and properties of a folder, without having to open the WebApp and then navigate to the Metadata pane to assign these values.
This would improve the use of Metadata by making easier to access, thus hopefully making it more accurate.