Improve ability to see created tags and select tags
Need to be able to see and select tags that we have created. Right now we just have to guess what tags we have. And hope that we're spelling them correctly. Right now this lack of functionality is going to force us to keep looking for a tool to manage assets for a team.

Thank you for your feedback! At this time, we are still researching this experience but do not have it planned on the roadmap.
Anonymous commented
I fully second this feedback, that if tags are going to be an option there needs to be an easy way to see created tags and select them. It is not feasible to have our team manage a list of Box tags for thousands of files, and then host that list somewhere externally (not to mention if there is a minor variation or misspelling on a tag, there is no easy way to see and/or fix that.)
Anonymous commented
It's really quite unbelievable that this isn't an option already. We want to use tags to make all of our company and client photos searchable by subject matter and Box expects its users to memorize every tag created?
Users should be able to simply search by tag...and if that's not possible at least prepopulate the "filter by tag" with existing tags so we aren't guessing.
Anonymous commented
I agree this would be a great feature. I notice it is already done for metadata.
Anonymous commented
Being able to search by existing tags would be wonderful. Currently, we have to find an existing tag and click on it to see all the files and documents with a particular tag.
It would be much less time consuming to have a drop-down list of tags to choose from in the search bar, similar to the Content Filter's "File Type(s)" drop-down.
Anonymous commented
More specifically, an exportable tags list that aligns a tag to a file name (Excel spreadhseet, maybe), is needed.