Notification "new version" upload
Notify the folder group when a new version is uploaded.
Currently only when the first version is uploaded, a notification is sent. If version 2 is uploaded, the folder group does not get a notification.

Not planned for current year.
Anonymous commented
Neither are the properties > "File information" being updated. It seems as the file itself is being updated.
Anonymous commented
Today uploads notifications send mails for both new file uploaded, and modifications made on an existing file (through coauthoring for example).
It would be really great to distinguish upload notifications, and modified file notifications (as in coauthoring mode, there are a lot of modifications, so a lot of annoying notifications...). -
Anonymous commented
I know you can set the notifications for receiving an email when a collaborator downloads, uploads, previews or comments on a shared file. But can you set up Box notifications so that when collaborators edit a shared file using Microsoft Office Online, an email is sent that a new version is available?
Anonymous commented
Ability to receive workflow notification when a new file version is uploaded