login page Customization
The login page is very confusing for our external collaborators. Despite the creation of "How to log on to Box" with pictures, external collaborators still click on the wrong link as the "Continue" button (for our managed users) is very large compare to the small font link for the external collaborators. The natural instinct is to click on "Continue" which gives the external collaborator an error since they are not part of the "managed users" and will not be able to SSO to our Box. Our staff is having to help our external customer on regular basis.
Can the login page be modified to have 2 customizable buttons: a "[Company] employee" and "Not a [Company] employee" where [company] is a variable for each Box Enterprise customer to type in the name of their company.

We are going to prioritize making the login page more intuitive rather than providing customization capability.
浩輔 山下 commented
People don't read long sentences. They instinctively press the conspicuous "Continue" button without thinking. Also, the "Not a part of (Organization/Company's Name)" button is white and cannot be recognized as an option.
I think the message should be shorter and the "Not a part of (Organization/Company's Name)" button should be colored so that people can recognize it as a button. -
Will Semons commented
Mariner Wealth has reported having issues with users not logging in correctly due to the language in the message field for login.
It's caused confusion and additional work for their Admins to correct their users issues.
Customization or updated language would be a great relief to them. -
Will Semons commented
Pinnacle asked for this update as well. They are a newly implemented customer and their users have been clicking the wrong button at times, causing a blocker/error. They are worried this might cause a decrease in user activity and productivity.
Anonymous commented
Such a simple fix. There MUST be a way to hide the “login” and “sign up” options on our shared links with clients. We send links to documents housed in box to outside users and they are getting very confused. Here is what I found from other box.com users: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360049140874-Hide-buttons.
Please implement! Thank you
Anonymous commented
When external non-AD members login inevitably some one clicks the big candy like "continue" button, and tells our employee "I cannot log in". Then gets escalated to IT and resolved with "do not click the candy like continue button and click instead the "Not a part of (Organization/Company's Name)".
Would like to see a way to make this less confusing to our external users with custom messaging , help flyover text?, anything that would prevent these calls to IT Help Desk.
Anonymous commented
I agree. My company utilizes the SSO and collaborate often with clients and other non-managed users. When they land on the SSO login screen, there is much confusion. The login screen needs to be bifurcated for easy access of employees utilizing SSO and others not utilizing SSO.
Anonymous commented
For us at Yale University, this is also a big issue. Our alumni, including leaders and volunteers, do not have university log-in credentials. As such, every time they log in, they have to choose an option that says they are not a part of Yale University. This is demoralizing, and would be easily fixed by a custom log in message option.
AdminAnonymous (Other, Box) commented
Certain access methods do not present custom login message.
Users see custom login message when they access Box using the company login page.
However any user logging in from box.com get redirected directly to our SSO services and do not see the custom login message.
In addition all third party entities accessing shared documents via their own Box account do not see the custom login message.
We need to be able for users to always see the custom login message no matter how they access the Box tenant.