Please separate the colors of the icons displayed in folders and files.
Due to the release of Box Shield's new classification indicators, the colors of the "lock icon" and "shared link icon" displayed on folders and files are all grayed out.
In the past, the "lock icon" was red, and the "shared link icon" was blue, etc., making it easy for users to see and use.
We believe this is a far cry from Box's goal of accessibility, which is "ease of use for all users."
In order to provide an easy-to-use environment for all users, please restore the icon colors to the previous specifications or color code them.
Box Shieldの新しい分類インジケータがリリースされた事によって、フォルダとファイルに表示されていた"ロックアイコン"、"共有リンクアイコン"の色がすべてグレーに表示されています。