Allow file locking under co-author access
Please allow the ability to lock a file for single-user only access under the Box co-authoring environment

Rob Bilson commented
We have a request from several of our users for this functionality. Currently both Box Drive and Box Web allow us to lock the file in a coauthoring environment. However, even though the file shows the lock icon, when you open it to edit, the file is opened in read-only mode.
Our users want to be able to lock a file so that they're the only one who can work on it for a given period of time. Our finance and accounting people often have spreadsheets open all day and don't want others in the document until they're finished. With the inability to lock the file, it's possible others will open the doc and edit without the original editor being aware (they may have the desktop app minimized while they work on other things).
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
This was released already: