Selecting files on the Box UI
I recently noticed a change in Box in the while you can select files. Before, you can click on a filename or multiple filenames and it would just be a selection. Now it seems to launch the file. If you want to select the file you have to click on the ballot box to the it’s right now. Our team much prefers the previous way before it was closer to how a desktop UI behaves.

Anonymous commented
This has a negative impact on productivity. I have never understood software changes that increase the number of keystrokes/clicks to accomplish a task, unless it's a security requirement. Using CTL works for selecting a single file, but I still see no way to select multiple files. CTL+Shift doesn't work so it's still multiple clicks even with the CTL option.
Scott Bathauer commented
We have received quite a bit of negative feedback related to this change as well.
Anonymous commented
Please revert back to the ability to open file on clicking file name, while the line item space can be clickable to drag and drop files in folders.
Anonymous commented
my team and i all hate the new way of selecting files - please bring back the old version of box - or at least an option to revert to that way if the new way doesn't work out for us.
Anonymous commented
I agree, my team also feels it was much more intuitive with the previous method of highlighting files.
Anonymous commented
Disagree. please dont bring back double clicking to open files as its very tedious. I open 100s of files a day and not having to double click is great. no other links in the web are double click anymore too so its very jarring to swap from gmail, hubspot, etc where everything else is click to open.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please give us the option to revert back to the old UI!!
Anonymous commented
My company uses box for file storage, we rarely want to view a file directly on so this new 'feature' is not helpful. It also makes thumbnails for photos smaller and harder to see because of the space taken up by the checkboxes...
Anonymous commented
You can hold down ctrl and still select a folder without opening it. But I agree, I am not sure the reasoning of making a simple thing more complicated.
Anonymous commented
This change is not helpful for our team. We use Box on the web to share files, not open them. Neither Finder or Windows Explorer operates by opening a file when clicking the white space around the file information and it's counter-intuitive to have Box work differently. It also makes it much more difficult to select multiple files. Please give us the option to revert this change.
Anonymous commented
+1 to this. It’s now two steps to do something that used to be one. Please provide an option to revert back to old UI or at least disable single click launch and enable drag to select