Overwrite when uploading a file with the same name in Box for iOS
If a file with the same name as a file stored in the Box is uploaded, the Web browser will overwrite the file and update the file version.
However, on iPhones and iPads, when a file with the same name is attempted to be uploaded to Box for iOS, a "name conflict" error occurs and it cannot be overwritten.
Currently, 4,000 employees on site are provided with iPads to manage drawings and report forms in Box.
It is possible to add notes on the Box preview screen. However, since the added notes are lost when printed or downloaded, we would like to add them using the drawing function on the device side, then upload them to Box, update the file, and manage the version.
It is very inconvenient that a file with the same name cannot be overwritten when uploaded, and we would like to see this improved.
<Box for iOSで同名ファイルをアップロードした時に上書をする>
しかしiPhoneやiPadに保存されている同名ファイルをBox for iOSにアップロードすると、「名前の競合」のエラーが発生し上書きすることができません。