Release a new Sign template that does not pin documents to prevent file duplication
Box Sign allows the creation of templates that replace the underlying document within a signature request / template while keeping the existing field placeholders in place.
However, using a different document than the pre-set document will result in duplicate files identical to the original document in the destination folder of the Sign document.
This means that one unnecessary file is generated each time the template is used once.
If a template is used 100 times, there can be as many as 100 unnecessary files!
Of course, this will not occur if no files are replaced. However, it is common to replace an existing document with another and use the Sign template.
What we really need is a Sign template with the following items set without the documents.
-Signatures & Fields
-The save location
*The save location should be freely specified, not be the same as the template storage folder.
In Japanese: