Prevent each user from accepting invitations without their consent.
【Current status】
Currently, users can enable “Require acceptance when receiving invitations” in their account settings, but the problem is that administrators cannot enforce this.
Box allows users to easily send invitations to collaborate as long as they have an email address.
This means that you can be invited to a folder without your knowledge, and a mysterious folder can suddenly appear in your top folder.
This creates the possibility of accidentally uploading a file or downloading an unwanted file.
The invitations we receive from outside parties can be restricted by a collaboration whitelist in Box Governance, but we do not want to set this up.
This is because it would mean that you would have to apply for whitelisting before receiving invitations to folders from your business partners, which is a hurdle to active collaboration.
【Request (same as title)】
Instead, we want to allow each user to confirm for themselves whether or not they are the intended invitee, which is an operation that provides both security and convenience.
If we are able to enforce this acceptance setting on users, we will be able to include in our user manuals a warning on the acceptance screen when an invitation is received and a reminder to confirm that the invitation is from the appropriate party before accepting it.
This is a problem common to cloud services with external collaboration functions rather than a problem unique to Box, but we hope that Box, a service suited to collaboration, will take the lead in implementing a solution.

Kengo Masuda-Marubeni IT Sol commented
I want to make it mandatory for each user to accept an invitation when receiving an invitation in administrator settings.
そのため、誤ってファイルをアップロードしてしまったり、不要なファイルをダウンロードしてしまったりする可能性が出てくる。外部から受ける招待は、Box Governanceのコラボレーションのホワイトリストで制限できるが、これは設定したくない。
(Edited by admin)