Additional User Details in admin
When a user is created or provisioned, it would be highly beneficial to have the capability to add additional details about the user that can be displayed in the user report. For instance, we would like to include the user's department and their cost centre as two separate fields that can be reported on. This would allow for a more granular level of detail in the user report, making it easier to categorize and analyze user data based on these specific attributes.
Furthermore, it would be advantageous to have an insights chart that leverages these additional fields. For example, a percentage bar graph could be generated to show the distribution of users across different departments. This visual representation would provide a clear and concise overview of how users are distributed within the organization, highlighting any trends or patterns that may exist.
In addition to the department and cost centre, other relevant details could also be included, such as the user's role, location, and date of joining. These additional fields would further enhance the user report, providing a comprehensive view of the user data. This, in turn, would enable better analysis and decision-making, as it would allow for more targeted and informed insights.
Overall, having the ability to add and report on additional user details, along with the capability to generate insights charts based on these fields, would greatly improve the utility and effectiveness of the user report. It would provide a more complete and detailed picture of the user data, facilitating better understanding and management of the organization's workforce.