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261 results found
Support for fetching and modifying co-admin permissions.
Support for fetching and modifying co-admin permissions.
Currently, Box allows users to retrieve a user’s role as an attribute via the /users/{user_id} endpoint. The possible role values are “user,” “admin,” and “coadmin.” While permissions for the “user” role can be accessed through this endpoint, the permissions and privileges associated with the “coadmin” role cannot be retrieved or modified through the API. This functionality is, however, accessible through the admin console user interface. votes -
event stream api
Within the Event stream API, have the ability to filter events by folder ID in the “Get Enterprise Events” API call.
In addition, add missing data in Response certain event types such as:
- Folder delete doesn't give file path
- Copy gives item id of source but not name or link
- Rename doesn't give source file path
9 votes -
Custom Access Token TTL
Allow access token duration to be customized. Customer's security team require tokens to have a 15 min lifespan.
6 votes -
Request to change token_type content when obtaining access token with API
When obtaining an access token for the Box API, the specification returns the value "bearer" with the first "B" in lowercase as the tokentype parameter, but if you set "bearer ${accesstoken}" to the value of the authorization header and execute the Box API, a 400 Bad Request will be returned. If "bearer" is changed to "Bearer", it will be processed correctly.
I would like the obtained token_type value to be "Bearer", which can be processed normally by Box API.Box APIのアクセストークン取得時、tokentypeパラメータとして先頭の"B"が小文字で"bearer"という値が返却される仕様だが、authorizationヘッダーの値に"bearer ${accesstoken}"をセットしてBox APIを実行すると400 Bad Requestとなる。"bearer"を"Bearer"とすると正常に処理される。
取得されるtoken_typeの値を、Box APIで正常処理できる"Bearer"にしてもらいたい。2 votes -
Check the number of API calls from the developer console of the user who executed the App
Platform report could be used to confirm API calls. But it requires authorities to export.
Display the number of API calls in use for each app in the developer console to check if the number of API calls exceeds the limit.
14 votes -
Include the contents of hit locations in Search API response like search result in the Web UI
Include the contents of hit locations in Search API response like search result in the Web UI
2 votes -
Enable file move or copy in content explorer UI Elements.
Enable file move or copy in content explorer UI Elements. There is no option to move or copy a files to another folder in UI elements
1 vote -
API that can get password change date
The interval at which users are required to change their passwords can be set in the Administration Console, but each user is required on a different day.
We would like to inform users of the next password change date in advance.
You can check the password change date in the user detail report, but it takes time to output it, so if you have an API that can get the password change date, you can create a mechanism to automatically notify it.1 vote -
Support for the vtt mime type
Would it be possible to support the vtt mime type? This is necessary in order to be able to add "tracks" (i.e. subtitles/captions) to videos.
WebVTT files have a MIME type of text/vtt
1 vote -
Display the user which last authorized a Box Custom App
Display the Admin's email who authorized a custom app on the Platform Apps Manager page (this currently shows App Name, Last Activity, Developer Email, Authorization Status, Enablement Status) or in the "View App Details" view for a custom app.
As Primary Admins and Co-Admins can change, this would allow users/admins to quickly identifying the users/email who authorized an application. Reducing confusion or the need to run a report, when determining if an app is still needed or can be removed.
1 vote -
box-ui-elements support for React 18
box-ui-elements is currently unusable for versions of React >= 18
14 votes -
Remove Logo on Expiring Embed Link
Hello, we would like the ability to remove the BOX logo when creating an expiring embed link while using the get file information. Just like the embed widget we would like the ability to disable the box logo when embedding an expiring embed link to an iFrame.
It would be a more seamless integration of BOX in the back ground as we are embedding these links into applications1 vote -
Ability to return all files and folders from a specific folder name
Currently , using the Folder API call with 0 for folder_id at the Root Level will return all the files/folders that the user is permissioned for.
Request to do the same, but for a specific folder’s scope:
1 vote -
Aggregate sandbox API use in Production EID Platform Reporting insights
Help me visualize the Box Platform APIs used across all my managed EIDs. Box should aggregate sandbox usage across all sandbox environments in the parent (production) EID's Platform insights details.
6 votes -
Please make the email addresses of users with pending invitations accessible via the API.
We are automating the invitation process using the API. However, when inviting external users who have not yet created a Box account, they remain in a pending state.
For users who remain pending, we would like to send reminder emails, but the API does not provide email address information for external users when retrieving collaboration information.
As a result, we need to check this information manually through the GUI.
To enhance automation, we request that the email address information of pending collaborations be included in the API response.招待保留中ユーザーのメールアドレスをAPIで取得できるようにしてほしい
自動化を強化するために、APIのレスポンスに保留中のコラボレーションのメールアドレス情報を含めていただけるよう要望します。2 votes -
I want to search for folders by tag prefixes.
Could you provide an API endpoint that allows searching for folders by tag prefixes? This would streamline the process by eliminating the need to manually retrieve all folders and filter them based on tags.
1 vote -
Request that multiple file requests not be created when creating a File Request using the API
When creating file requests using the API, multiple file requests can be created independently for one folder.
In order to avoid this phenomenon, I would like an API to be prepared to retrieve the created file request ID from the folder.
Or please provide some other workaround.1 vote -
Removal of Box UI Elements while playing a video stored in Box. Most of the staff uisng Box are unable to use Box API to remove UI elements
Removal of Box UI Elements while playing a video stored in Box. Most of the staff uisng Box are unable to use Box API to remove UI elements
1 vote -
Allow Admin/Co-Admin to access shared link basic info
When using BoxItem.Info itemInfo = BoxItem.getSharedItem(api, sharedLink); to retrieve basic information about a shared link, Box returns a 404 when the admin/co-admin doesn't have specific permissions. However, it's possible to see the basic information when you view a shared link report. We're essentially trying to get the same information as the shared link report is able to pull for all files/folders. Discussion of the suggestion is here: vote -
Support for total_count (Box Metadata Query API)
For the Box search API, return of queried total_count results is documented and supported.
Confirmed total_count is currently not a feature of Box Metadata Query API and anticipating for inclusion of this feature.
9 votes
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