Inactive State: Do Not Hide Owned Folders for Managed User Collaborators (still hide for External Collaborators)
Currently the 'Inactive' User Status not only prevents the user from accessing their account, it also hides ALL owned folders for all collaborators.
Meaning if John Smith is changed to 'Inactive', all of the collaborators that are in his owned folders will no longer see those folders in their accounts.
REQUEST: Change this status to only prevent the user from accessing their account, while keeping their owned content visible for Managed User collaborators (keeping today's behavior of hiding for External Collaborators).

We are currently re-designing our managed users page for performance and usability updates which will be released at the end of this year. We will revisit newer features to user management after we release our new UI. In the meantime, please add your use cases in the comments so we can have this feedback when we decide to pick this up.
Alana Venos commented
When a user is marked inactive, users can no longer collaborate on their data. We would like to restrict login, but allow the user's content to still be accessed.