New 'Limited' Content Manager Permission - No ability to preview or download files/folders
A new co-admin option that's more even more restrictive than the current 'View users' content' Content Manager role with the following abilities:
--View users (like currently possible)
--Browse user folder trees (like currently possible)
--View file properties (uploaded, version #, modified, name, description, etc.)
--View collaborators on folders and add new collaborators to folders
--NO ability to preview or download files or folders (this is the critical item that's missing currently for Coke as even the 'view' Content Manager role currently allows the co-admin to preview and download files/folders)
This could possibly also be solved by breaking up the Content Manager co-admin roles into a series of checkboxes that allow/disallow certain actions by that Co-Admin in Content Manager.

We may tackle this as we look at a broader re-work of Content Manager.