Option to Show Full Folder Hierarchy when Added Only to Subfolder
Right now, when collaborators are added to a folder, they are not able to see the folder hierarchy that is above the level at which they were added. This is great in many situations.
However, there are various scenarios where customers would like users to have the 'full view' of the folder hierarchy above.

Matthew Ryan commented
Probably not implementable because names of parent folders can contain confidential information. eg you could have your client folders moved between different areas depending on how they're being managed, without intending to telegraph that to the clients.
Anonymous commented
The shared space architecture (as opposed to file system structure) has the potential to become unmanageable because shared items are displayed at the “top level”
As an example there can be two unrelated folders with the same name and the user would not have an idea of the folder contents unless they click on the folder
Box Admin Admin commented
Not sure what the solution is but the problem is people have about 20 pages of shared folders and there are tons of folders with similar if not the exact name as other folders. The context of the folder is lost if they are simply added to the 4th level of an existing hierarchy.
For now we ask users to be ask specific as possible with folder names and also to try and remove individual shares and put that data into a collective share but they have many cross functional needs which won't work for the general folders or external/internal collaborations.