Search for Box Drive content from Explorer/Finder Search

We are currently not planning to implement this feature and will continue to prevent all Box Drive results from appearing in Explorer/Finder searches.
Box Drive does not download the all of the metadata (File name, folder structure, etc.) of your Box content. Instead, it is downloaded on demand and then evicted when it is no longer relevant. This eviction process is not visible to users and it is not easily predictable. This would cause the search results in Explorer/Finder to be inconsistent for users – sometimes they would find a file and other times they may not if the metadata and file were evicted.
We have chosen not to download all of the metadata (and then keep it up to date with changes) as this can result in a large performance, storage and bandwidth tax which is not scalable – especially in environments where users interface with millions of files/folders.
We will continue to improve the Box Drive Search experience as well as add in additional features in the future to help you access your Box content quickly!
Anonymous commented
We would like to be able to look for documents not only via Ctrl+Shift+Alt+B but also when opening Box Drive folder in Windows and when tapping the name of what we are looking for in the upper right corner where there is the lens. We would like that from there all results related to the name typed are visible (results shown: indifferent in which folder from Box are stored).
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
Currently: Windows search tools does not yield files from one's Box Drive. Users must use Box Drive's search tool.
Desired: Utilize Windows search tools to display content from Box Drive.
James Gorman commented
We need to enable Mac Spotlight search for Box Drive. It is quicker than going to the Box Drive icon and searching from there. This will help our heavy Mac users including Life Science companies and Technology companies.
Dennis Strieter commented
Can I inquire about this Kyle? Now that Offline files is an option in Box Drive, aren't the files physically being downloaded to the computer? We were really hoping the windows search functionality would also come with the Offline files feature. It's very hard for our users to change old habits in workflow, and Box Drive search can't search only specific folders or be used inisde other software (the open dialogue box for instance).