Folder-Level Sync Controls: Restrict Managed Users from syncing a folder (even if they're an Editor / Co-Owner)
Be able to disable sync at the folder level regardless of co-owner or editor collaboration level. Users need to be added at these collaboration levels but they should not have the ability to sync certain folders to their machine (e.g., heavily collaborated content).

We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap. Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
Box Shield may be a potential workaround for users interested in restricting syncing of specific content by classifying it. Though this will also prevent any downloads of the content as well.
Michael Miller commented
This is a needed feature to prevent users syncing or marking data offline and to prevent easy data theft. Box Shield does not do the same thing. I believe you (Kyle) are referring to Box Governance features. If you put a classification on the 'upper level' folder, then all the sub folders inherit the classification. So you would have to go to every sub folder (and newly created ones) and put a different classification on it.
I'd like to the spec look something like this on the Folder Settings:
We have a many folders where we have to give users Edit permissions to the ’top level’ folder where hundreds/ thousands of subfolders are created with potentially several hundred thousands of files. It would be great to a folder setting for:
> Prevent Downloading, Syncing and Offline Access
With an option to > Apply to Subfolders Yes/ No (or checkbox)
This way users could not simply select the ’top level’ folder and purposely or by accident download, sync or mark for offline (drive). We have had many instances when users select ’top level’ folder and attempt to sync or mark for offline access and that triggers hundreds of gigabytes that fills up their HD space and causes a support ticket. Also would help reduce mass data theft.
Box Admin Admin commented
some folders are huge and we don't want them accidentally synced.