Create Linux client for Box Drive

Thanks for your feedback. We unfortunately don't have plans to support a Linux client for Box Drive at this time.
Anonymous commented
What would convince you to add this as a feature? It's clearly heavily requested.
Anonymous commented
Agree! Wee strongly need this on Linux!
Anonymous commented
Perhaps it's time you changed those plans?
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Without linux support box is a useless piece of software.
Anonymous commented
You have one of the biggest companies as a client and they use Linux in a lot of desktops, we need a linux client to be able to sync.
Anonymous commented
Box needs a Linux client (+1)
Anonymous commented
ExpanDrive @ seems to provide a reasonable 3rd party implementation of Box on Linux.
Anonymous commented
Since Box has dismissed the idea once, despite its having TWICE THE VOTES OF ANY OTHER BOX DRIVE IDEA, I figured it's worth trying to get a ton of votes on a second 'idea' to make a point.
Platypus commented
Require Linux client please!
Anonymous commented
Initially, I would like Box to inform all of us if you have a deal with Microsoft and you can't provide a linux client. I know it's difficult but people needs transparency, we should definitely know if a linux client for Box Sync will be available.
I would use more Box and consider for a paid account, only if a linux client will be available.Thank you
Anonymous commented
I agree, box needs a linux client. I wass 100% sure it allready excisted and was shoked to learn that there was no linux support.
Anonymous commented
Adding another voice to the Linux request. Previous comment is so spot on ( Nothing like building your software on the backs of FOSS and then not supporting it.)
Anonymous commented
Developer on Linux here. Great job.
Anonymous commented
Been waiting for years. Nothing like building your software on the backs of FOSS and then not supporting it.
Anonymous commented
University researcher here. Not only does the server I use remotely run Unix, I've now switched my PC to Linux. I will be asking the university tech admin to put pressure on Box for Linux support or switch services.
Anonymous commented
Please add Linux client support. This is needed especially by the research and HPC communities. Look at these communities and see how they use Linux heavily.
Anonymous commented
There is other world beyond Win & Mac ... give it a try !
Anonymous commented
But why? This idea has the biggest amount of votes! I thought you pick ideas for development based on the number of votes - otherwise what’s the purpose this site?
Anonymous commented
Is it possible for a 3rd party developer to create and charge a small fee for a Linux client? I'd support that if it is not a violation of the API terms.