Create Linux client for Box Drive

Thanks for your feedback. We unfortunately don't have plans to support a Linux client for Box Drive at this time.
Michael G commented
My organization prefers Box as their cloud drive. I live in a Linux world as I do a lot of bioinformatic analysis that works MUCH better on Linux. There really are no viable option now that WebDAV has been killed (ExpanDrive has a lot of issues including randomly deleting files in shared folders if the owner doesn't block that). Currently I have a Windows VM that I work with box files in, but I can't access Box on the Linux host. PLEASE, consider a Box Drive like client for Linux.
Anonymous commented
Creating an app like this may get you more customers (Just Saying) :)
Jason Clock commented
There are many votes for this, kindly create a Linux App.
Thank You
Anonymous commented
the fact that this doesn't exist is really stupid
Anonymous commented
Only reason why I'm still using Dropbox versus only Box, not having a Linux client is a non-starter for me.
Anonymous commented
How can I help? I volunteer
Anonymous commented
how about now? 2022...
Anonymous commented
If you are not willing or able to make a Box client for Linux yourselves, you should make the client open source so others who are able to do this can fix the problem for you.
Anonymous commented
please add a Linux client so I can stop recommending other solutions to share files...
Anonymous commented
Need a box desktop folder to sync files from my Linux/ubuntu desktop to my account. Till then, sorry to see you go
Anonymous commented
You should really move this up your agenda and get the support for Linux as soon as possible
Anonymous commented
Please consider to make the application for GNU/Linux.
I really need to put Box on my file server to have also a local backup of my data.Thanks for this
Scott Harlan commented
This lack of a Linux client continues to be a significant issue. It really is crazy that there's not even a plan to create a linux client.
Anonymous commented
It really is a shame that this is not planned... I would love to see this idea being re-evaluated
Anonymous commented
it's a shame is not planed, I have been literally waiting for years for a official linux client, I guess I will keep using dropbox longer time.
Anonymous commented
Please support Linux.
Anonymous commented
As someone who has to use Linux in a professional/academical environment, a Linux client would be great. My university provides us with a Box account but a lot of teams work on Linux and we have to resort to other services.
Many services already support Linux like Dropbox and others and there seems to be a huge demand for it. It seems that the first requests for a Linux client date back to 2016 and porting the macOS client should be possible since Linux and macOS are both Unix-like/Unix systems.
Anonymous commented
Linux is here to stay.. so a Box Drive client for Linux would be great!
Anonymous commented
I would like to see a box client for my Operating system, my company uses box as its world wide file share service and provides a linux OS. I can not understand how in 2020 with so may users choosing or being required to use Linux Box would not support it.
Anonymous commented
Dropbox supports Linux just fine. Just saying.
Also, Linux has handled remote filesystems well for decades. We even have FUSE (filesystems in userspace).