Clearer Layout of "Part of [company]?" & "Not part of [Company]?" on SSO Login Page

Anonymous commented
We need a way to customize the this window. We have a lot of customers getting confused by this. They see ‘Continue’ as a button, but ‘Not part of [Company]’ isn’t a button so they miss it and just click ‘Continue’.
I would like them both look like buttons so they see it’s a clear choice between two.
Box Admin Admin commented
the issues continue, daily.
Box Admin Admin commented
not planned? The daily frustration continues with every new user that has never used Box that we collaborate with.
Box User commented
This is strange since not environments have this flaw. I work with another customer on Box and their SSO page properly redirects no matter what you put in whereas my will redirect you to MY SSO which no external user has an account with.
this needs to be worked out, it is killing adoption with our external partners.