Respect the EID's Shared Link Default when Using 'Upload & Attach' in Outlook to Save to 'All Files'
When using Box for Office inside of Outlook, specifically using the 'Upload and Attach' button when composing a new email, users are able to choose a Shared Link access level (such as 'people with the link') even if that access level is disabled in their EID. Once the user clicks upload, they receive an error because the shared link was not able to be generated due to that restriction. This behavior specifically occurs when the user is choosing to save to their 'All Files' page when using the Upload & Attach feature.
If the user chooses a specific folder (a location other than their All Files page) Box for Office DOES do validation and is 'smart enough' to remove the access levels that are disabled in the EID of the folder owner.
REQUEST: Add this same 'validation' when users are saving to their All Files page.