Support custom objects in S1 (Salesforce mobile application)
Supporting custom objects is available for the web app - this request is to do the same in the mobile app.

Anonymous commented
There are situations where we need to operate outside the company, and if we can't use them on our company-owned iPhones/iPads, the convenience is significantly reduced. I would like to see custom objects also be eligible for embedding in mobile apps.
In Japanese
社外での業務が必要な場面もあり、会社所有のiPhone/iPadで使えないと利便性が著しく低下してしまいます。カスタムオブジェクトもモバイルアプリへの埋め込み対象にしてほしい。 -
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Box) commented
The Box and Salesforce integration for Salesforce mobile does not support custom objects at all so we had to create a deep link workaround that redirects to the associated folder within the box mobile experience (this also requires some salesforce coding to populate a field with the corresponding folderID).
Also, you are not able to create the corresponding box folder for the first time from the mobile have to create the box folder from the desktop from within the box integration within salesforce first, before you are able to access it from mobile. This is mainly due to the the mobile box and salesforce integration not supporting custom objects out of the box.
The custom object set up for the web app is also not seamless and requires from VF and tricky setup.