Support Password-Protected Shared Links for Box Notes
There's a known issue/limitation currently ( where Box Notes do not work correctly when the shared link is password-protected.
REQUEST: Allow Box Notes to have password-protected shared links just like any other file on Box.

This is not a priority for the team at this time. We will reconsider with additional customer demand.
Naohide Ito commented
Although some time has passed since the initiative was launched, the need for this remains current.
We would like to use password protected shared links in Box Notes as a way to collaborate with unmanaged users who have not been invited to a folder.起票から期間が経過していますが、現在もこのニーズはあります。
フォルダに招待していない管理対象外ユーザーとの共同編集手段として、Box Notesにおいてもパスワード付き共有リンクを利用したいです。 -
Anonymous commented
I had run into an issue of not being able to access a Box Note within a password protected shared link of one of my folders.
I was told this was expected behavior, which is a bummer, but it would be great to see this so that I can keep as much content as I have behind my passwords!