Ability to pin a folder to remain at the top of the main Box Web App screen.
Either a user or an admin should be able to pin a folder.
Using favorites is the current alternative, but for usability purposes and sharing important content, pinning would be helpful as well

Thank you for the suggestion. There are definitely use cases for which this would be useful, but it is not currently prioritized for this year. We will revisit this in the future.
Anonymous commented
Can this topic be revisited? It would be very helpful to pin specific folders or files within Box, especially in folders which contain many files or frequently updated files. A good use case example would be for adding a policy or procedure or "read me" document to the top of a folder.
Anonymous commented
Any update on this?
Anonymous commented
I would like to support this feature. I need to be able to pin a Note to the top of the folder (as an Admin) so that it has instructions for other users about how to name their files and what process to use internally.
Anonymous commented
We need this functionality, as well. A key example is a "Team Management" or "Operations" folder. I need this pinned to the top of our team folder but the only way to do that is either add a number (introduces another classification system on top of alpha) or rename it to something like "Admin" (not exactly the intuitive name we would want).
Anonymous commented
Agree with others, pinning a doc would definitely be beneficial and used, especially when you have folders that have 5+ pages of files.
Anonymous commented
I would love to be able to pin documents (or sub-folders) to the top of my list of documents when I'm in a folder. So, no matter how I'm sorting files within a folder, by name, date, etc, I can keep maybe a couple of documents or folders at the top of my view.
Anonymous commented
I also would like to pin a note so that every person who enters a folder has access to the guidelines & templates of the folder
Anonymous commented
Essential functionality desired by a major Box enterprise client -- we frequently create box folders with dozens of subfolders and hundreds of files. Being able to pin an "about" boxnote to the top of a folder would allow us to guide collaborators in how to find content, and how we'd intended the folders to be used. Teams are pivoting to GitHub to store files because we lack easy mechanisms (like Pin) to organize our box folders.
The forum threads on this feature have a large number of Kudos, it would be really helpful if this could be re-examined and prioritized highly. Box is lagging behind the industry meets-min here.
Anonymous commented
Hello Bela, I was referred here by Howard (https://community.box.com/t5/Web-App-Forum/Pin-a-document-to-the-top/m-p/71820#M34940). I see that in 2016 the cost/benefit analysis for pinning files and/or folders was considered to much of a frustration to deliver relative to the perceived client benefit. There are several different use cases described in the thread I've linked above. I hope that in contributing to this conversation I can lend a little more weight towards the prioritization of this feature if not in 2019 then for 2020?