View folders in Box notes
Right now you see a large collection of recent notes but no folder structure - have a view showing folders.

We don't currently have this in roadmap. We have noted this feedback and will take this into consideration in future iterations of Notes.
Anonymous commented
This is such a high need - it's so hard to be organized within box notes because there is no way to categorize and organize the notes
Anonymous commented
This should be part of a larger idea that I'll probably post separately -- "Rethink Notes As Collaborative Tool".
To reply to the Sept 9, 2019 "anonymous", what makes getting back to the parent folder confusing is that the note opens in a NEW tab that doesn't behave like other Box tabs or windows. To get back to the parent, you just CLOSE the Box Note tab and go back to the tab from which you *launched* the note.
But if Box Notes were treated like any other file type, with a pop-up window opening to edit them but just leaving them listed as a file in a folder, their use would be more intuitive.
Anonymous commented
The "folder" icon in the top menu is super confusing too. I WANT that folder to open the folder which contains the Box Note I'm currently looking at; I want an easy way to get from a Box Note to its parent. But instead it does almost literally the opposite, giving me a bunch of folders from the root level with no idea where you're currently at in the structure.
Anonymous commented
No one in my company is interested in switching from OneNote to Box notes in the current state.
Anonymous commented
To go along with this - an option to "filter by folder" (i.e. right now the only "filter" option is "Favorite Notes" - this would be an option to only see notes in a particular folder)
Similarly, if we could add some kind of a "tag" to a Box Note, it would be nice to be able to filter on notes having the same tag(s).
Box Admin Admin commented
Or create a tiered note structure where a note is more like a notebook and it can have several sub pages. Right now it's just a flat structure.