Box Drive Should Show Files With Illegal Filenames or Characters
We need Box Drive to be able to point to the offending error in Windows Explorer or Finder. Click on the offending file, folder is opened and file is selected in Windows Explorer or Finder in order to fix.

This is not something that we have on the roadmap for the foreseeable future. Notifications were suppressed for these items and we will be investigating different ways to make problem items in general more discoverable.
Anonymous commented
More importantly the issue is that some folder names which are completely acceptable on Box Online don't work with say Box on Windows becuase the folder violates Windows Naming rules. So you don't even see the folder on Box Drive on Windows which makes it interesting to troubleshoot. It would be cool if the folder still appeared on Windows but with flag or something pointing to the issue with illegal folder name , etc
Anonymous commented
Or make it so that Box limits the number of characters you can have in a folder path to follow Windows limitations
Anonymous commented
Alternatively, the path to the offending file should be given when there is an error. It's difficult to find the file when you've been shared on dozens of folders, so a path or direct link to it would be helpful.