Report on installed Box Drive versions by user
Need a report admins can run that will show all users who have ever used Drive and what the last version of Drive they last used was. Ideally there is a Device ID or Device Name as well.
Use Case - Often admins do not have a device management system which would be used to run this report. Without that system in place OR without all devices being managed under it, admins have no visibility into what software is installed on their unmanaged users machines. Box won't be able to tell them all users who have it installed (if it is installed but never used Box has no visibility) but we can tell them for any user who has been active, what the latest version of Drive they used was. This way - they are informed on their install base and know what users may be effected by EOLs, bugs, new features etc.

John Nickell commented
To the last comment on 2/27. Not all of us have MDM solutions in place. This would be helpful as new features (specifically custom mount points) are version specific. (i.e. first supported in 2.3, update to 2.4 broke and 2.5 restored)
Anonymous commented
This is better accomplished with your device Mobile Device Management or Inventory Reporting tool. Why go to Box just to get this info when it can be captured along with all your other device management information with the proper tools?
Anonymous commented
this would be good.