Box Drive: Change cache location
It would be really awesome to allow the box drive cache location to be placed somewhere other than C:\Users<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Box\Box\cache, say on on a separate volume that doesn't consume space on C: (boot / application drive). Ideally I would like to place it on my second ssd D:

Hi there,
This capability is under consideration. Check back here for updates.
Stephen Selwyn commented
If C: drive is an SSD it may have limited space with Windows installed. Even taking a maximum of 25GB + files marked for offline access is causing us problems in our company. This has been promised for a long time and other cloud based storage systems are able to do this.
Anonymous commented
Stephen Fowler commented
This has been a requested feature going back to the initial release of Box Drive. I find it hard to understand why other cloud storage providers can do this and Box can't or won't make this a standard feature.
Anonymous commented
I think this is critical. My C drive is full but my D drive is not and currently I now have no way to save my box files offline.
Anonymous commented
I think this is critical. My C drive is full but my D drive is not and currently I now have now way to save my box files offline.
Anonymous commented
This is an absolutely mandatory feature. People working with large datasets and files don't like storing on them on their boot drive.
Anonymous commented
This topic is under consideration since almost one year.. That's a real poor statistic for the support of Box. We really need this feature (should not be a feature, but an obvious function), otherwise I can't use box anymore...:/
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
This is a critical issue for Windows installations that use remote or non-standard user directory.
This is typical for larger MS installations where the users may not be using the same physical machine all the time or where virtual desktops are used. -
Anonymous commented
Box needs to allow us to sync directly to an external drive. My box drive folder has over a TB and is slowing down my new iMac. If this issue is not resolved my firm will likely look elsewhere for our data storage.
Anonymous commented
quiero cambiar la ruta de box drive
Anonymous commented
Is there any movement on this? Box Drive just became useless to me, since my boot drive is now full and i cant access any new work my team has created. I'll be moving everything off box if this isnt coming soon.
Anonymous commented
adding another vote on this request to be expedited . I agree with the comment below, changing the mouth location via Registry edit is a half-baked solution. If Box can make this request happen sooner it will be a true winner, but at this moment I have to give up on Box and witch to the alternatives which allow me to share folder in my second local drive.
Anonymous commented
Wow, I cannot believe that no progress has been made with this. It's great that the folder location can be changed in Windows via Registry Edit. But without being able to change the cache folder, whats the point? Either allow your PAYING customers to adjust cache & folder or don't give anything. I hate a half working solution like this.
Anonymous commented
Please accelerate this request. It is impossible to take advantage of the "Make Available Offline" function, which is critical to my use of Box Drive, and I am sure many others.
Anonymous commented
Yes please! This would be a tremendous help. We are reverting back to box sync on some machines to get around this issue.
Anonymous commented
Please help us with this case asap!!!! This is just unacceptable, that this request is open since 1,5 years.... :/ This is absolutely sad that i have to move away from box... The only option is to switch back to Box Sync, but this is also not a real option.... Please put this on highest priority!
Anonymous commented
if you are running Box Drive on Mac, you may create a symbolic link to point the cache folder to a different location.
the default cache location is : /Users/XXXXXXXX/Library/Application Support/Box/Box/cache
I did :
cd /Users/XXXXXXXX/Library/Application Support/Box/Box
mv cache/ cache_old
ln -s /Volumes/Another_Bigger_Faster_Volume/Box_Drive/ cacheit seems to be working.
Anonymous commented
Please do this asap. It's keeping our teams from being able to use the product.
What is the reason for this? It makes no sense, and it would help us if someone could explain why you made this decision.
Brandon commented
Yes please! We are in this exact same situation. Seems like quite an oversight! Please add the ability to choose the cache location. I need a large amount of data available offline, as I'm often in the field without an Internet connection, but I don't want it filling up my system drive. I have a separate internal drive on my laptop specifically for this purpose. Box Sync did this quite successfully, no issues. If we're being forced to Box Drive, it should at least include the same functionality of the program it's replacing. Otherwise your customers are losing the ability to do what they need. It's a step backwards, not forwards. Seems like such a simple fix!