Pop-up message when unintentionally shifting folders
It is strongly needed to have a pop-up message with Box Drive and Box Sync that allows the user to stop an unintentional shift of folders or files.

Hi all,
We are currently working on this improvement. Follow this thread for future updates.
Anonymous commented
This is single-handedly the biggest thing that could be done to improve Box Drive, and maybe even Box as a platform.
There is not a single day that I do not spend time researching inadvertent file and folder moves that were made by associates. Having something like this would not only improve the user experience and the admin experience, but it would literally at this point change my life.
Please do it.
Rob Bilson commented
There's another enhancement request with the same idea. Voting here as well as this is an ongoing issue for us where users accidentally drag and drop a folder somewhere unintentional, resulting in the folder/files "disappearing". Out admins constantly deal with this problem.
Anonymous commented
This would be super beneficial - we have had users accidentally move large folders and the time to move them back can be quite a pain.