Updates for Task Management
Task management should:
-Show a total number of tasks outstanding
-Have the ability to categorize tasks
-Have the ability to prioritize tasks
-Include summary of time elapsed since task assignment
-Always allow the user to check the task off, reject the task, or delegate the task to another
-Task list should ALWAYS be searchable
-Task lists should have the ability to have filters applied (age of task, assigned by, prioritization level, category, etc.)
-Task auto assignment based on adjustable rules would be a plus

Additional categorization and prioritization is not currently planned for our Tasks feature at this time. Please continue to leave feedback on use cases for consideration in future planning cycles.
Mike Mortell commented
Adding "sort by due date" would be very useful for our organization, it is kind of perplexing that the sorting doesn't allow for it. What's the point of having this if it cannot be filtered?
Frédéric Carricaburu commented
Some people in my organization moved files I had to approve. I don't see the files any longer as they are in a location where I have no entitlement. My choices are "approve" or "refuse" but I'd need a third choice meaning "refusing the task" as i'm not refusing the document.
Anonymous commented
Outlook Tasks works fine for personal tasks...Box idea is for Group Tasks I presume?
New Business commented
Not sure why Box made such drastic changes to the task system that was in place, what's there now is really bad. I can't filter for uncompleted or unaccepted tasks, they don't appear at the top of the list, etc.