Make login screen text easier to edit
In the admin console, there's a "Login Page" section, where it's possible to set a message that appears for all users on the Box login page. Currently, editing/formatting that message requires both access to the admin console, a knowledge of HTML, and an understanding of which HTML tags are and are not valid in that message.
As the information posted as a part of that message is often something that comes from communications staff, not technical staff, those barriers to editing it are significant. It would be nice if there was both a way to delegate the editing of that message to another user, as well as a WYSIWYG editor for it.
As one idea, if there was a BoxNote that could be the source of that message, that would work well.
Anonymous commented
It would be good to at least add an option to justify the text. Currently, only a few HTLM tags are supported that do not guarantee the text to be visually appealing.