Set default file view and sort options by folder (and all sub folders for that folder)
Ideally, let an owner or editor of a folder set the default view (list or grid) and sort order of the files.
The system default appears to be by date the file was updated which is rarely (if ever) what our users want.
Re: view options: For photos especially, the list view is rarely the preferred view.
Additionally, with the grid view, allow the size of the image also be set as a default.
This may not be an admin console enhancement. I think it needs to be a under More when you’re looking a a folder.

Anonymous commented
Yes, please. The ability to sort by "updated date" would be a huge time saver for me.
Anonymous commented
Yes, I really think it essential to have choice of which view is required by default, e.g. via an option specified in a URL so shortcuts can specify view type.
Anonymous commented
Definitely agree with this opinion.
What we want is what we can do on Windows Explorer. -
John Nickell commented
I could have sworn that previously all of my folders were sorted by date (most recent first) now they seem to be sorted by name. I'm not sure if something changed or I'm misremembering, but it's pretty annoying to sort a folder by update date (recent first) and then need to do it for each of the subfolders that I'm navigating through.
Will S commented
Admin's need to 100% have the ability to set default sort orders for files within box. 100%. This is a low effort, high value add.
For eveyone that is coming here to vote, you can work around this by setting the sort order at the highest level only currently and it will trickle down. So if you have the following structure:
ApprenticeIf you sort by name at the master level, the commander and apprentice folders will also be sorted by name by default.
Anonymous commented
Agreed. The user should have the ability to set folder default view by name or last updated and if it should be viewed in a list or grid.
Anonymous commented
ability to set folder default view by name, size, date, etc..