google shared drive
Allow Google Drive "Shared drives" content to be copied directly to the integrated Box extension in Gsuite. Currently, this is only available from "My Drive". The work around is to copy "Shared drives" content to "My Drive" (which in itself is awkward, because only files, and not folders, can be copied directly in the cloud), and then copy content from "My Drive" to Box.

Anonymous commented
This is the only functionality we wanted the box add-on for google workspace to support, so we're stuck in our efforts to backup drive -> box over it not being supported.
Ian Crew commented
Really, the fact that the Box for Google Workspace add-on doesn't work with Shared Drives should be counted as a bug, not a feature idea, but I lost that argument with support, so here's my wholehearted support for this feature idea.
-Ian Crew, UC Berkeley