Manual pause syncing
Sometimes I want to reorder / organize / rename files before syncing.

Thank you for the suggestion. We currently do not have this planned on our roadmap.
Please keep the feedback & use cases coming to help us prioritize this in the future!
Anonymous commented
Yes, please! I can't tell you how many times I had to redo an entire transfer because my internet went down.
fabriv commented
Google Drive, Insync, Dropbox, all of them have "Pause Sync" feature. At this point it should be consider a basic functionality. In my case I work with huge Photoshop files and several files at a time, and now with COVID19 thing going on, as we are working for home, we do not have the same bandwidth as in office. This is crucial.
Anonymous commented
I can't believe a pause feature was not included in Box Drive. I work in an area with slow internet speeds (5 Mpbs down, 1 Mbps up). The option to pause syncing would give me greater flexibility when uploading large files.
Anonymous commented
This essential function was possible with box sync but not box drive. Box drive is hobbling my computer while it tries to upload as it is limiting bandwidth for all other functions. I can't even do an internet speedtest as I can't pause the box drive upload.
Anonymous commented
Enable Pause syncing for times in slow internet connection.