Ability to save reports to a custom location
With the upcoming report scheduling function, coupled with improved filters to better streamline reports that are generated, it would be really useful to be able to define a custom save location for a report that is generated as part of that process (i.e. to any folder within your box instance and not just the default 'reports' bucket).
Our use case is that we'd like to set up a series of scheduled reports (soon possible!), each one filtered to activities within a specific folder (also now possible!) and then have that report automatically save into the folder to which it relates (not currently possible). This way, it will be possible for co-owners of a folder to see (saved automatically to their folder) a regularly updated report on some aspect of their folder. In our case, we'd like to do a collaborator report so that we can regularly audit who has access to items within high-level folder trees where each high-level folder contains a LOT of sub-folders and files, and where we have equally a LOT of these high-level folders.

Anonymous commented
This would also help from a security standpoint. Instead of just adding someone as CC where the person gets viewer access to the report , we could create specific shared folders that makes sense when sharing with a group or where you want to save related reports for ease of viewing. Additionally, giving permissions as a CC on each report and/or run of a report, it it can difficult to see who has been given access to what without running auditing reports.
StephenD _TX commented
Also please add the ability to customize the name of each report with a custom name before it's run. As an admin when scheduling several different reports with different parameters it's difficult to determine when they finally complete and you have 6 different user_activity_run_on_{date}-{time}_Page_1 reports with the same date and just a different time.