Box search function will not search pdf documents I have personally OCR'd using Adobe.
Box search function will not search pdf documents I have personally OCR'd using Adobe. Please advise.

Nathan McBride commented
How are you OCR'ing the PDFS? For years we have had no issues searching on OCR'd PDFS. Whether we create them through our scanners or through Acrobat, they are always searchable. The only caveat is that not every OCR scan is clean. If the text is skewed or misproportioned, the OCR'd PDF library layer can be missing words or have incorrect text.
Anonymous commented
I would like to expand on this beyond just PDF and include TIFF files as well
Walt Bower commented
Box should be able to have OCR capabilities either natively or through an integration to be able to make all PDF documents full text searchable.
AdminDerek Zhao (Admin, Box) commented
I'd like to be able to use search to search over the contents of scanned PDFs