Box Drive performance improvement request when using VDI
The VDI is experiencing operational delays when using Box Drive, and this is affecting our business.
It was found that the delay was caused by a large number of disk I/Os.
We checked the Box Drive logs and found that Box was reflecting 1,000 to 2,000 operation logs on Box to each user every morning.
Since the above operations occur simultaneously for all users, there is a large load on the infrastructure.
Please improve performance.
「VDI利用時におけるBox Drive性能改善リクエスト」
Box Drive利用時のVDIで操作遅延が発生しており業務影響が出ております。
Box Driveのログを確認した所、Boxから毎朝1000~2000のBox上での操作ログを各ユーザーへ反映されていました。

Thanks for reaching out! We advise that you send this bug message with your logs to the support team. We will be able to triage effectively through this process. To learn more about Box Drive and how we support VDI, check the support article here:
Anonymous commented
We see this as well and it is a challenge for our infrastructure team to mitigate. Improved I/O management would be a huge boon for VDI functionality.