Ability to save a sign request as a draft | draft sign request
When preparing documents, there is no feature for draft-saving. This would be very helpful to have.

Anonymous commented
Hello -
I see that the status of this has been recently updated to "Not Planned".
Can you share any additional detail on why this is no longer being considered, or if there is a workaround that achieves the same result of prepare-before-send?
We personally migrated from DocuSign and used their capability for this extensively, and not having it has caused a lot of friction on various existing business processes.
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to save requests Box Sign before sending. This would eliminate me from having to hunt down files after receiving them when I know they need to be in a work flow. It would need to be able to change fields, add signers, add files and all other tools and options available so you could start the request at a later date.
Anonymous commented
Beneficial for legal clients of Box.
Anonymous commented
If we have a large signing process going through DocuSIgn, we could have 100 documents that need to go to clients over a short period of time. In DocuSign, we regularly use the Save and Close option to prepare a document, rather than send it. Once we have all the docs preparared with signature blocks etc, we go into each draft and hit Send.
It would be good if Box could track the Draft in DocuSign, and allow you to go back into the document in Box and send from there. The only workaround is to login to DocuSign to send the draft. We ideally prefer to send documents from Box than DocuSign as we can organise the content into a shared project folder.