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381 results found

  1. Box Relay - ability to share a folder to a group

    In Box Relay it would be nice to be able to share a folder to a group and not only to users.
    Entering all the members of the group one by one can be time consuming and over time the members of a group evolve, which means that the Box Relay settings have to be changed.

    9 votes
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  2. Box sign automation with relay

    After a Box Signer completes a document(i.e NDA), using relay having automation to add that signer as a collaborator to a folder. This would be a tremendous enhancement for anyone who uses Box as a data room or would like automation with Box Sign and Relay.

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  3. Box Relay: Enable API's so that I can re-assign workflows and/or task ownership to another person

    Box Relay: Enable API's so that I can re-assign workflows and/or task ownership to another person at scale.

    E.g. if someone is on holiday, sick, or leaves the company, we want to use API's to group together all of their existing workflows and/or tasks, and transfer those to a new person.

    8 votes
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  4. Box Relay: Please enable the ability to group all owned workflows and/or assigned tasks from one person, and transfer them to a new person.

    Box Relay: Please enable the ability to group all owned workflows and/or assigned tasks from one person, and transfer that group of workflows and/or tasks to a different person.

    Today, I can transfer ownership of a single workflow or re-assign a single task from one person to another, but if someone goes on vacation, is sick, or leaves the company and they own multiple workflows or have multiple tasks assigned to them, then today we cannot group these together and transfer them all at once. Instead, we have to transfer workflow ownership and re-assign tasks one-by-one-by-one-by-one-by-one......

    We have 1000's of…

    8 votes
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  5. Ability to comment on Box Relay approval tasks

    Currently, there is no function to enter comments when executing approval tasks using Box Relay.
    We are currently using email and the Mention function, but this is inconvenient, so we would like to have the ability to enter comments at the time of approval or rejection.
    Having a comment when approving or rejecting a task will help us communicate with users, so we would appreciate it if you could add this as a feature.

    現在Box Relayを利用した承認タスク実施時に、コメントを記載する機能がありません。

    20 votes
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  6. The option to cascade Relay triggers to subfolders for all triggers

    Box needs to add the cascade option to all Relay triggers to catch activity in underlying subfolders. The legacy automations feature that Box had did this by default. Now, the alternative is having to create several relay workflows that is too cumbersome to manage and doesn't scale.

    55 votes
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  7. Signature logs should also be able to be specified as a trigger condition for Box Relay

    Box Relay and Box Sign integration has been released, allowing for automation on signed files.
    The current specifications do not allow automated processing targeting signature logs.
    In our case, we would like to move not only the signed file but also the signature log to an arbitrary folder.
    Therefore, we request that the signature log can also be specified as a trigger condition.
    English version:Box Relay + Box Sign integration to automate actions based on document status

    <署名ログもBox Relayのトリガー条件として指定できるようにしてほしい>
    Box RelayとBox Signの連携がリリースされ、署名されたファイルに対する自動化を行うことができるようになりましたが、
    日本語版:Box RelayとBox Signの連携によるドキュメントのステータスに基づいたアクションの自動化

    4 votes
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  8. Ability to Select and Enable/Disable Multiple Links At Once

    Being able to multi-select Files/Folders and adjust all their Link Sharing Properties rather than one at a time.

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  9. Box Relay: Allow File Requests to be "returned" and resubmitted

    It would be great if Box Relay had a feature for workflows triggered by a File Request to be "returned" for edits. The Workflow Starter could revise and resubmit their files without seeing other applicants submissions within the same submission folder or resubmit to the same file request link and overwrite their previous version.

    Right now they have to resubmit and their original version is retained. The resubmission would overwrite the old version so there aren't two or more separate versions within a given folder. It is confusing for committees who go through many rounds of revision to have multiple…

    2 votes
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  10. Enable ability to delete Metadata (all or only a specific piece of Metadata) in Box Relay

    Enable ability to delete Metadata (all or only a specific piece of Metadata) in Box Relay

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  11. Enable ability to customize the notification that is triggered during a Box Relay workflow

    Enable ability to customize the notification that is triggered during a Box Relay workflow.

    E.g. if an approval task is approved, I want to notify whoever submitted the content for approval AND potentially other relevant parties that their submission was approved, but I also want to potentially customize the notification (e.g. it was approved for x, y, and z reasons).

    E.g. if an approval task is denied, I want to notify whoever submitted the content for approval AND potentially other relevant parties that their submission was denied, but I also want to potentially customize the notification (e.g. it was denied…

    2 votes
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  12. Custom Box Triggers and Outcomes

    Expose Box API in Box relay to allow developers to write custom triggers and outcomes

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  13. Relay:Enable/disable the "Invite assignees as Viewers/Editors" option

    A new feature has been added to Relay called "Invite assignees as Virwers/Editors".
    Perhaps, it is possible that, due to a mistake, users who should not be collaborating are automatically collaborated with.
    However, in the current specification, the checkbox for this feature cannot be changed from enabled.

    We would like the checkbox to be able to be unchecked optionally.


    29 votes
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  14. Prompt for Metadata in Workflow

    It would be good to allow users to be prompted for the metadata values when the workflow triggers, instead of requiring the user to prefill them in the workflow template. A simple pop-up box with the field name and value input would suffice. Much like the existing prompt in the workflow, but automatically displayed based on the trigger.

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  15. Make it possible to re-order outcomes in a flow

    Currently it is impossible to re-order outcomes in a flow. This makes it very hard to implement changes and maintain workflows. It would be very handy to be able to change the order of outcomes in a flow the same way it is possible to change order of flows in a workflow.

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  16. Allow Adobe Bridge to Show BOX Drive Folders/Files (Worked in Previous BOX Version)

    With the update to BOX Drive Version 2.24.208, Adobe Bridge no longer shows BOX folders and Files when opening files in the application. In pervious BOX Drive version, Adobe Bridge showed folders/files, just like any other files – either local or in other cloud applications. HUGE inconvenience to workflow. Please reinstate this functionality.

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  17. Allow groups to be added as collaborators in Relay “Add Collaborator” outcome

    Would be great to be able to add a group of collaborators “Add Collaborator” outcome. Right now only single users are accepted as input.

    35 votes
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  18. Relay:Users who have already been invited in a group will not be invited with "Invite assignees as Viewers/Editors"

    A new feature has been added to Relay called "Invite assignees as Virwers/Editors".
    "Invite assignees as Virwers/Editors" are sent to users who have already been invited in the group.
    This is confusing because additional invitations are carried out to users who have already been invited.
    Furthermore, operationally, this requires the collaboration to be removed from the relevant file each time.
    *As a company rule, we are not allowed to collaborate with individuals individually, except in groups to which they have been previously invited by Admin.

    Users who have already been invited to a group should not be invited.

    23 votes
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  19. Enable option for Box Relay to trigger a contract for e-signature after approval

    Enable option for Box Relay to trigger a contract for e-signature AFTER approval.

    E.g. after Legal redlines and approves a contract, then they have the option to: (1) whoever approved the task then signs the contract as part of the same workflow; (2) submit for esignature to whoever triggered the workflow; (3) customize who the contract is redirected to for esignature (e.g. to

    1 vote
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  20. Ability to start a workflow from the "New +" section

    My customer would like to trigger a workflow that copies a folder (and subfolders) IN the folder where it is created.

    Customer use case:

    A financial services company needs to create a deal folder within the company folder a fund team is working from. Instead of going to the deal folder template to copy it into the specific company folder, they would like to trigger the workflow to copy the deal folder template to the company specific folder with one click and from the company folder.

    This would be similar to using a manual trigger but having a dynamic variable…

    3 votes
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1 2 6 8 10 19 20
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