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138 results found

  1. Provide notification when auto-provisioning of user accounts fails because a Box account already exists.

    We use auto-provisioning to create Box accounts in our Box managed enterprise environment. When a user is added to a specific group in Azure AD, this kicks off something that creates the account in our Box environment. However, it is possible that users have an existing lite Box account from former roles. When this happens the auto provisioning fails without warning due to a duplicate account. We would like to be notified when this happens. We can see the error in the Azure logs but those are not easy to use for alerting due to sheer size and think this…

    1 vote
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  2. Set values for "external_app_user_id" of Managed Users

    We are developing a tool to extract user data from AD, Azure and other IDMs and provision them to Box via API.
    We want to use the user IDs on the IDM as a user external key for Box so that we can track the associated Box account when the email address changes on the IDM side.
    However, the current attribute "externalappuser_id" of Box users has the following limitations

    Only the App User can be set as the value.

    Only some privileged users, such as service accounts for JWT-authenticated applications, can access this item.

    For improved convenience, please…

    12 votes
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  3. Preventing all users with an email address in a managed domain from creating accounts

    We noticed that a account was used to create a Box user in our managed domain. Box mentioned that we can turn off auto enrollment which makes all users with a domain email address managed, but we really want to prevent users for which we have not automatically created Box accounts for from making a managed or unmanaged account.

    I would like to suggest an additional admin control that could prevent users from signing up at using their domain email address.

    4 votes
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  4. Force user email validation for external collaborators

    In the case that Person P from Company B is laid off and mailbox is turned off , the External Account is still active with whatever security it had. Person P can keep accessing and CNMLLP content without CNMLLP or Company B knowing about it. Also, external bad actors can guess passwords and gain access, and there's no visibility. If we can force an external collaborator to click a link in a email, for instance in a browser-initiated Password Reset that sends an email right away, then it proves that Person P still has access to

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  5. be group foreign key "external_sync_identifier" as a unique constraint entry.

    We are developing a tool to extract group data from IDM such as AD and Azure and project it to Box via API.
    We want to use the group ID in IDM as a group foreign key in Box so that when the group name changes on the IDM side, we can track the group in Box that is associated with it.
    For this purpose, we use the group attribute item "externalsyncidentifier".
    However, since this item is not a unique constraint, there is always a risk of an error due to key duplication.
    In order to use this…

    9 votes
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  6. Ability to add Service Accounts to Groups

    I would like to request the ability to add Service Accounts to a group for reporting purposes.

    1 vote
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  7. The ability to copy collaboration information from one existing folder to another

    There are cases in which we wants to invite collaborators who are invited to one folder to another folder with the same permissions.

    If we have users with the same permissions, we can save time by inviting multiple users at once or creating a group.
    However, setting different permissions for each user takes man-hours and is prone to error if it is checked only checked visually.

    It would be useful to be able to the ability to set the collaborator permissions of an already created folder to another folder as is.




    2 votes
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  8. User Classification

    Our organization uses Box to manage our controlled documentation. To access this information people, need to meet certain criteria to access certain types of documents. Box is great for classifying documents, but we are looking for a way to classify users to make it easy to know if we are able to share a specific document with a specific user. We would like to be able to add a property, tag, or some other identifier to a user's profile that would allow us to classify a user as a specific type. We would then like this classification to become a…

    6 votes
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  9. Create Folder For New User

    Create Folder For New User

    Within the old UI, an admin had the option to create a new folder while adding a new user. Within the new UI, they do not have this ability.

    2 votes
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  10. Bulk add collaborators

    Multi-select files to send collaboration invites to. I currently must do this via the API.

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  11. Save Collaboration Invite

    I included an email address in my invite message, so the invite was not sent and I got the error, "Collaboration invite was not sent because URLs are not supported in the invite message."

    I had dozens of invitees and a fairly long invite message, so it was aggravating when the invite was not saved for me to edit (remove the email in the message) and retry.

    1 vote
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  12. Have a field for preferred pronouns in a User's profile.

    Have a field for preferred pronouns in a User's profile.

    1 vote
    0 comments  ·  Users and Groups  ·  Admin →
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  13. Please make it possible to send invitations to inactive users.

    Administrator fails when inviting inactive users.
    Please make it possible to send invitations to inactive users.
    After sending the invitation, the administrator activates the target user as required.
    This is a useful feature for large accounts with many administrative users.

    1 vote
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  14. Allow inheritance in folder structure

    Windows allows for folders to enable or disable inheritance from Parent folder to Child folders. This is needed in BOX so collaborators who don't need access or shouldn't have access to certain Child folders within a Parent folder can still navigate where access is needed and not expose sensitive data.

    5 votes
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  15. We need a way to exclude specific external collaborators to be exempt from our global settings of deleting external collaborators after 90 d

    We need a way to exclude specific external collaborators to be exempt from our global settings of deleting external collaborators after 90 d

    1 vote
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  16. Group permission and deleting data

    We would like the ability to modify the Editor group so it cannot delete data, or another role added that can support this. We need a group that can edit/rename files, but not delete.

    3 votes
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  17. Collect price offers that are published at a specific time

    Would like to be able to create a user where the user can upload offers for a job. BUT the information must first be published to everyone including admin at a specified time.
    In other words, holding a tender via box.

    1 vote
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  18. allowing admins to sort by what folder permissions a user has so we can mirror those for another user

    allowing admins to sort by what folder permissions a user has so we can mirror those for another user. Right now, I can't sort by permissions under a user. I have to manually scroll down the whole folder structure and then have another window open with the user that needs the same permissions to the same folders, and add them manually. Why can't we sort by folder owner, or permission?

    1 vote
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  19. Azure AD Group Provisioning

    Enable Azure AD Group Provisioning via SCIM.

    10 votes
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  20. Blind Guide - Instructions for new collaborators

    I wish to state my ongoing frustration with sharing collaborative folders with my clients via box. The instructions for me, as part of a subscribed user group, are clear. The instructions for a new user who we invite to collaborate ARE NOT. You put me in a position of the blind guide when the client or collaborator asks me for help getting to the files – and Box has not provided sufficient instructions. I suspect Box assumes because I have logged into box as a new user once in the past, that I know how to coach a new user…

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