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418 results found
Use a non-public URL through Box to a google slide
Currently there is no functionality to insert a video with a non-public URL into a Google Slide through Box, where on Google Drive that functionality exists.
1 vote -
Box for Microsoft Teams integration with one Microsoft tenant ID and multiple Box EIDs.
Box for Office Online integration allows multiple Box EIDs to use the same Microsoft tenant ID.
We request improvements so that Box for Microsoft Teams integration can be used in the same way.現在、Box for Office Online連携では、複数のBox EIDが同じMicrosoftテナントIDを使用することができています。
Box for Microsoft Teams 連携でも同じように利用できるよう改善をお願いします。12 votes -
Increase docusign envelope size
Through the docusign integration in Box customers are only allowed to add 25Mb of data to the envelope.
Docusign has this size limitation only on the individual document level. It is entirely possible to add multiple documents of that size to a single envelope, thus allowing for a set of documents that is larger in size than 25 Mb.
Box should remove this limitation from the integration and allow for multiple 25Mb uploads within a single envelope.
6 votes -
Enable ability to edit Google Docs, Sheets, Slides via Box integration without requiring login aka anonymously
Enable ability to edit Google Docs, Sheets, Slides via Box integration without requiring login aka anonymously.
Even when the link is configured to "people with the link can edit," external collaborators are still required to log into both Box and Google Workspace in order to edit Google Sheets, Docs, and Slides via the Box integration, which is way too much friction and strongly discourages use.
I strongly recommend that we offer optionality. While highly security conscious departments (e.g. IT, InfoSec, HR, legal, finance) might require an audit history with details about who edited content, which requires people to login; conversely,…
1 vote -
More customization of Box for Teams V2 Usage
We were wondering if we could partially turn on Box for Teams V2. Specifically, we want to turn off the option to create the "Box Files" tab but leave on the options to share Box content directly in groups chats or channel posts. The fact that it's set up as an all-or-nothing feature for now is holding us back from using it at all.
1 vote -
Send Box Events to Amazon EventBridge (Partner)
We would like for Box to be an AWS EventBridge partner: would push events to the AWS EventBridge using the EventBridge partner API. EventBridge supports at-least once delivery, so Box events should be sent to EventBridge at-least once. With Box as an EventBridge partner, all Box customers would be able to natively integrate Box and EventBridge.
1 vote -
MS Office @ mentions to sync and notify users
@ mention comments, tags and notifications section in Microsoft Office apps, should also integrate with Box interface and notifications. Great achievement with co-authoring, however, it is highly inconvenient to have to comment on Box preview, and then open the file to work/edit. Ideally users need to be able to @ mention and tag other colleagues/users within the MS application, which should notify other users to take action on the required document. Otherwise it creates duplication of work/inefficiencies in the process.
25 votesDependency on MSFT to design and support
Industry Vertical Specific view of Integrations
Customers are interested to see what the ecosystem is like for their industry sector. Can we have views of our integrations for each of our main industry verticals? For example in M&E, our customers use 5th Kind. However, 5th Kind is not tagged for that sector.
1 vote -
Add ability to Move Folders & Delete Folders through Zapier
Currently, there is no ability to move or delete a folder through Zapier. This functionality would greatly improve our ability to keep our folder structure organized and cut down on reliance on users to perform these actions.
1 vote -
Enable option for a pre-built integration with Addepar
Enable option for a pre-built integration with Addepar.
My wealth management customer sees Addepar as indispensable, and would greatly benefit from a Box integration, in order to leverage Box as the content layer for Addepar.
Addepar is their portfolio management system.
1 vote -
Box-Teams integration - Change ownership to Teams Owner
Change the ownership to Teams Owner by default who creates the team workspace in MS teams and instead of Box service account
3 votes -
Enable Box as the default. Block content from saving in Google Drive when using Workspace (Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.)
Enable option to save content in Box as the default and block content from saving in Google Drive when using Google Workspace (Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.)
Screenshot of vision for Gmail:
Screenshot of vision for Workspace profile menu:
Screenshot of problem in Gmail: of problem in Google Calendar: example here (documentation of execution today via Teams integration):
See example here (documentation of execution today via Slack integration):
This gets us a step closer to the vision of Box as the single place for all content.
Today, even though I have…
2 votes -
Enable option to save all emails and email attachments into Box from Gmail and/or Outlook.
Enable option to save all emails and email attachments into Box from Gmail and/or Outlook in a way that cannot be altered. This is important for WORM compliance.
1 vote -
Box Sign: Integration with Gong
Box Sign: Integration with Gong
1 vote -
Linking NS records to existing Box folders located in NS integration folder
We would like to be able to link NS records to Box folders that are located in the NS integration folder. For example, we would like to store all of our opportunity content in a folder structure that rolls up to the customer. Knowing the default folder will be created underneath the opportunity structure, we'd like to link the opp record to a folder that "lives" in the customer folder structure.
We are currently not able to do this and continually get the error: The Box SuiteApp is not set as an owner or co-owner of this folder. Please add…
1 vote -
Box Sign - Procore integration
Enable users to sign, send, and manage their agreements and contracts from Procore. Sign, view statuses, and track commitments, prime contracts, and change orders from inside the Procore web application.
11 votes -
Native Workday integration
Box does not have a native Workday integration today. This would be massively valuable and would lead to huge upside for Box.
6 votes -
Offer a native BlueBeam integration
Offer a native BlueBeam integration
2 votes -
Launch study.ambradicom files on double-click
BOX is retiring their DICOM solution at the end of the year, and replacing it with Ambra DICOM. Study files created by the old BOX solution are named "Study.boxdicom" and can be launchd into the BOX DICOM viewer by simply double-clicking on the filename. This is not true for the new Ambra "study,ambradicom" files. In order to view them, you have to clcik on the triple-ellipses. select "Integrations", and then "View DICOM".
I would like to have the ability to simply double-click on the new "study.ambradicom" filename and have it launch the Ambra viewer.
1 vote -
Enable ability to use Google Docs templates from Box user interface
Enable ability to use Google Docs templates from Box user interface when creating a new Google Doc
3 votes
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