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140 results found
Please display the time range (hh:mm:ss) in the update date column.
When sorting search results by modified date, the time (hh:mm:ss) is not displayed in the modified date column.
This makes it difficult to guess the time range and find the file in the search results if many files were updated on the same day.
Please display the time range (hh:mm:ss) in the update date column.検索結果を更新日時でソートする場合、更新日時の列に時間(hh:mm:ss)が表示されません。
更新日欄に時間範囲(hh:mm:ss)を表示してください。3 votes -
Display more text in search results
I would like to have the paragraph or at least several lines on either side that contains the matched search term(s) displayed in search results. We have a significant number of documents that contain similar verbiage. Having more text from the document displayed in search results would allow users to identify relevant documents without having to open them. The API should also return the same amount of text.
1 vote -
Search result print out
When using the content search on BOX, there is no possibility to print out or uppload (for example in .xls) search result listings. The only method to list search results is to take screenshots which is a painstaking taks when you need to get a large listing.
I think that this would be an appreciated feature to the search function on BOX.
2 votes -
"search filter" "folder location" unselecting parent still requires to unselect all subfolders
Asume, when running a search and selecting File Type "Folders" and an "owner", the search results delivers thousands of folders.
Now I want to use the filter option to exclude a parent folder which I know has several hundred subfolders, but unselecting the parent folder does require me to sunselect all the subfolders inside of the parent folder one by one...
This is not practical and unselecting a parent folder should also exclude all subfolders from that parent.
Actually I had never seen it the way it is implemented in Box...4 votes -
Upgrade Search capability to be included on Fedramp High BOX Accounts
It would be ideal to keep all of the power of search capability with the BOX Fedramp high accounts. You currently lose the search capability of searching within the first 1000 words in a document when you upgrade your account to Fedramp High.
If there is a way to update the search capability for those fedramp high accounts to have encrypted search for the first 1000 words that would be ideal. It is one of the better features in the BOX system.
2 votes -
Partial match search for email addresses to generate invitation candidates
When inviting a user, when I enter an e-mail address or a kanji name, forward matching results in a list of candidates, but partial matching does not.
I would like to be able to perform a partial match search.[In Japanese]
部分一致検索ができるようにしてほしい7 votes -
We would like the ability to search by "items I have deleted" in the trash.
When searching for items in the Box recycle bin, the "Search only in recycle bin" function will search for items in the entire recycle bin.
However, if there are a large number of items in the recycle bin, it will take time to search for the needed item.
Please add the ability to search by "items I deleted".Boxのごみ箱に入ったアイテムを検索する際、「ごみ箱内のみを検索」機能を利用すると、ごみ箱内全体のアイテムが検索されます。
「自分が削除した項目」から検索する機能を追加してください。10 votes -
Search function - update date of the property data held by the document as a search condition.
The current full-text search function searches for the date of uploading to Box,
But I want to use the update date of the property data held by the document as a search condition.現在の全文検索機能では、Boxにアップロードした日が検索対象となるが、
ドキュメントが保持するプロパティデータの更新日を検索条件の対象としたい。1 vote -
Ability to batch download results of a search, including those of a metadata search.
i want to be able to batch download results of a search, including those of a metadata search. A search can produce many results and i need to be able to download all results, or mass select them really to then download or share them. I cannot click the box next to each one it takes too long .
1 vote -
Support parenthesis in search
For investigations or subject access requests, the search queries that we need to run tend to include many different options that require combinations of boolean operators AND and OR.
For instance I might need to search for user first name or last name or nichname combined with the topics for the search. The search would take this form ideally:
("A" OR "B" OR "C") AND ("D" OR "F").As currently parenthesis are not supported in search, I must run 6 distinct searches to get the desired results (A AND D, A AND F, B and D...) and this results in…
6 votes -
Grid View search results are now severely limited
I have discovered that while searching in Grid View, the page will only load a certain number of results, and after that it will not load anything else. It will only load more results when switching back into List View.
This issue seems to have just started after a new update as I have spent the last 4 years with no problems searching in Grid View. I'm hoping this can be fixed very soon because I used to brag about the great searchability of Box folders, and this is now seriously damaging my efficiency in searching.
2 votes -
Bookmark character limit
Bookmark character limit
The maximum number of characters for the URL when creating a bookmark is 500, but the URL exceeds 500 characters when searching by metadata, so it cannot be registered as a bookmark. I would like to save the search conditions in the metadata and use it to access it again, so could you consider improving it?ブックマークを作成する際のうURLの文字数上限が500になっていますが、メタデータでの検索をした際のURLが500文字を超えており、ブックマークに登録する事が出来ません。メタデータでの検索条件を保存しておき、再度アクセスするといった使い方をしたいと思いますので、改善をご検討いただけませんでしょうか?
1 vote -
Generate csv for the users with permission
let's say you have a subfolder with multiple users with the same permission, and want to create another subfolder for the similar purpose for the same users. Wouldn't it be great if you can generate a user list as csv or any other format, so you can easily copy and paste the users to invite? I know an admin can create a group but dont you think a regular user should be able to do the similar thing too?
1 vote -
Search across multiple Metadata Templates, not only one
Search across multiple Metadata Templates, not only one.
Similar to how I can search across multiple File Types.
6 votes -
Search - Ability to search for files/folders without Metadata
Search - Ability to search for files/folders without Metadata
1 vote -
Box Search - Search for infixes and suffices, not only prefixes
While Box supports prefix matching on titles, Box does not support suffix (end of the word) matching in the title or body content, or infix (middle of the word) matching in the title or body content. For example, a search on “cal” would match results for a file named “California” but not “decal” or “recall”.
3 votes -
Make new files/folder immediately searchable. Remove latency.
Make new files/folder immediately searchable. There is massive latency for new files/folders being searchable, which creates a very confusing and unpleasant end user experience.
When a new file/folder is created, it is not immediately searchable. Please fix this.
1 vote -
Clear all previous search results all at once, rather than one-by-one
Clear all previous search results all at once, rather than one-by-one
1 vote -
Give Admins the option to turn on/off an easy-to-export search results list for end users
Give Admins the option to turn on/off an easy-to-export search results list for end users.
Can't export search results into an Excel spreadsheet. Please give us the option to do this, BUT also some Admins might really NOT want this, so please also give Admins the option to turn it on/off for end users from the Admin Console.
4 votes -
Allow Users and Admins to set folders to be excluded from search results
It would be useful if Administrators had the ability to set folders to be excluded from Search results by default. For example, if a folder is used for historical archive purposes it might not be relevant for the majority of searches, but inclusion in search results will make it harder to find what the user is actually looking for. It would also be useful if users could do this for their own accounts as well.
One possible method of implementation is to add a Tag called "Archive" (or something similar) to folders that Users and/or Admins can set to exclude…
2 votes
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