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132 results found

  1. Extend navigation to include advanced boolean operators such as "w/s" (within sentence) and "w/p" (within paragraph)

    Extend navigation to include advanced boolean operators such as "w/s" (within sentence) and "w/p" (within paragraph). This will enable the user to find documents must more quickly than just using AND, OR, and NOT.

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  2. Make contents of Apple iWork files fully searchable

    Currently Apple iWork files (.key, .numbers, .pages) are not searchable on Box, even though uploading, previewing and editing them on Box is possible. As our company mainly works with these Mac files, this is a big limitation for us. It would be great if all iWork formats can be search using the full text searched functions in Box.

    As a Box user, I want to be able to do a full text search on Apple iWork files, so that I can find them based on their contents when I do not remember their file names.

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  3. search with "not" or "-"

    I need to search All Files except for 1 folder to see if there are any files that I need to move to that 1 folder.

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  4. Allow "character sequence" searches

    If I want to find all instances of "book", I do not want results that include "books" or "bookmark". In other normal searches, I would enter "book " with a space before the closing quote, however this does not work in Box's search.

    The link above refers to this as "word sequences", but they don't work in this case. I even opened a ticket with Premier Support, and they said it couldn't be done, and to request the feature here. According to the link above, what I want is a "character sequence" search.

    Boolean doesn't work here because I'm…

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  5. Display number of search results

    AS A Box user searching for content
    I WANT to be able to see the number of search results returned when I enter a search
    SO THAT I know if my search query needs to be refined or expanded

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  6. Sort search results alphabetically

    AS A Box User
    I WANT to be able to sort search results alphabetically (currently relevance and updated are the only sort options)
    SO THAT I have more options for sorting search results to locate the files and folders I am looking for

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  7. Support for Apple file formats (Keynote, Numbers, Pages)

    It would be great when would Box APIs support Apple Mac file formats .key, .pages and .numbers. Especially full text search and preview. Our company only works on Macs so we have thousands of documents in these formats. Unfortunately, Box APIs do not support these formats so we cannot make use of many Box features. This would be really great.

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  8. Stop auto text

    Box needs to stop auto text when attempting to type in the search bar. Proper nouns and acronyms are pretty standard in business and constantly changing what we type into the search bar is enraging and a huge waste of time.

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  9. Search: A request is for search interface "Search Folders and FIles" to only surface results which match Item names in Admin console, report

    A request is for search interface "Search Folders and FIles" of Admin Console, Report, User Activity Report, to only surface results which match File/Folder (Item) names and not Item content.

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  10. Add a feature of search recommendation like Google Search

    Intelligent way to learn frequent search words of EID and recommend those to user who search for similar contents

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  11. Add metadata to search results in web app

    Currently in the "search results" view in the web app, it is difficult to identify if an item is returned in the search result due to matching metadata. By adding matching metadata which triggered a "positive" search result to the list of search results, it will help guide the user to the correct search result. Without the matching metadata in the search results view, the metadata search query matching and filter functionality is not very useful, as users cannot tell the exact context that resulted in the search result matching. This results in users having to open all search results…

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  12. Following file extensions should be classified as "Drawings" in web search: DEM & DWG

    DWG (Drawing File) - Very high priority given integration with AutoCAD
    DEM (Digital Elevation Model)

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  13. Limit a search to your Recents list

    Similar to how you can focus a search on a specific folder; it would be useful to limit a search to the items in your recents list.

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  14. Support the use of Advanced Search with Metadata by External Users

    Since the ability to search for documents was sold to us as a feature and now we discover that it is actually NOT a feature that can be used by external users, I believe we will start the search for a new product to replace Box.

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  15. Be able to sort tag search results by name, not just "relevance" and "updated"

    When you search for a tag, your only options to sort the results are by "relevance" and "updated". It would be VERY helpful to be able to sort by name on a tag search.

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  16. Search issue

    1) Searching in "File and Folder names" only will display results foun in file metadata:

    2) Search with Russian words will display irrelevant results:
    2.1) box finds particular letters, not complete words
    2.2) box displays search results even there is no file with requested name

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  17. Search pdf embedded attributes

    The ability to search for attributes (standard, advanced or custom) embedded into a PDF file.

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  18. Search API for exact match using hash

    If you have a local file and need to know if the file exists in Box, the filename search isn't reliable to find the exact match. For example, there could be many logo.jpg files. Since the sha1 of the files are known, it would be great to expose it to the search API to find the exact file match.
    This would be very useful for tools that help users migrate to Box without creating many duplicates of files.

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  19. Provide a way to remove duplicate files throughout a folder and all sub folders

    I have a user who copied all the content in multiple folders some how and created duplicate files everywhere in the folder structure. All the duplicate files had a (1) at the end but also had a few files with (email address) at the end as well. Not sure why the (email address) showed up at the end, over the (1).

    Never the less, I need a way as an admin or even a user to search for all duplicate files, within a folder/sub folders, and allow me to find all files with *(1) and provide me the list of…

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  20. 1. Search for specific file extensions. 2. Replace file extensions within box web

    1. We should be able to type in a specific file extension in the File Type.
      Ex. I'm trying to search for all .4tx files that we have, which are old 4sight Fax documents. These files are actually TIFF images, but we need to replace the extension on all of them so we can view them in our current environment, since we don't use that really old application. Box doesn't have a way to search specifically for those extensions so I have to search all file types and end up getting way more non relevant results.

    2. If we have a file…

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