Merge Users - Ability to Merge 2 or More Accounts Into 1
A 'merge users' feature would help with the initial administrative burden of cleaning up existing accounts.
Key asks:
--The ability to choose 2 or more Managed Users in Box to merge
--The ability to choose which email becomes the primary email for the user (thus which account will become the owner of the other account's owned content)
--The ability to choose whether demoted emails should be retained as email aliases or simply removed from the user's (updated) profile
--The ability to choose whether existing collaborations on externally-owned folders are retained (meaning account 2 is invited into an external folder, when account 2 is merged into account 1, should they still be in that externally-owned folder or not

We are currently re-designing our managed users page for performance and usability updates which will be released at the end of this year. We will revisit newer features to user management after we release our new UI. In the meantime, please add your use cases in the comments so we can have this feedback when we decide to pick this up.
Ward commented
We have instances where a user will end up with 2 accounts for their different email aliases. Sometimes it's because an invite was sent to the wrong address and they created a new account instead of correcting the error, sometimes their existing account is overlooked because of a name change or other discrepancy.
We want all existing collaborations to continue unaltered. One account should be designated to be used as the primary email address and the second account should be added to "other emails". The content in the second Box account then needs to be copied over to the first one. Preferably as-is and not in a rolled up folder like we see with account deletions.
Tony Ford commented
When merging Box accounts, it would great to maintain the collaboration links from the source Box account to the target Box account. Currently, it only allows the moving of content that are owned by the source user. After the account has been moved and since the collaboration links were not moved, the user has to request to be added to the folders they had access to before.