Create Linux client for Box Drive

Thanks for your feedback. We unfortunately don't have plans to support a Linux client for Box Drive at this time.
Anonymous commented
make a plan, or address what technical limitation prevents Box from doing what other enterprise-grade content hub vendors already do
Anonymous commented
Please allow native Linux BOX access. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
Please add me to the ever-growing list of requests for a Linux Box Sync client. No need to respond with a reason why the company feels it doesn't need a Linux client. There are pages and pages of customers requesting it going back several years. Please create a Linux client. You're halfway there by writing it for Mac.
Anonymous commented
Even though you don't have plans to support a Linux client you could actually make such a plan and prioritise it...
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
If Box won't provide native linux support then I need a different solution.
Anonymous commented
If at the end BOX is not willing to support LiNUX, then we have to move to another box...
Anonymous commented
Where is the Linux client support?
Anonymous commented
Hey, This is totally unaccepted. Please add the Linux support for Box as there are thousands of users running their desktops with Linx.
Anonymous commented
What good is a file server with 0 linux support?
Anonymous commented
Please consider adding this to your plans. A large and passionate user base of technologists, scientists, educators, and many others driving trends in their respective communities use and rely on Linux every day. An investment in Linux support will help drive adoption beyond just the community of users currently requesting this feature.
Anonymous commented
This is sorely needed! Please make it happen ASAP!
Anonymous commented
A much needed implementation especially for research purposes and backup, as many of us do use Linux as our everyday system!
Anonymous commented
must have~!!!!!
Anonymous commented
As owner of RedHat it should be a 'peace of cake' for IBM to create a Linux version... I still don't understand why it's not there as also many IBM'ers themselves run Linux on their laptops...
Admincweatherup (Admin, Box) commented
Requested by federal agencies that conduct mission support on Linux machines. The current process is to utilize the web client when access to X-windows is provided. Accessing the content at the file system level would allow for greater collaboration on scientific datasets without needing to use archaic transfer methods such as ftp as part of the process. This would reduce friction in the use of Box across all our research-based customers.
Anonymous commented
Another university researcher, here. I'm currently using a work-around involving the rclone package, but it's not ideal. A native Linux client for Box Drive would be much preferred. I really hope you'll consider developing one. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
Please create a Linux client
Anonymous commented
"Thanks for your feedback. We unfortunately don't have plans to support..."
Is it not clear how insulting this sounds to your customers? It would really help if you could offer a sincere reason for steadfastly refusing this request for so long -- one that doesn't attempt to involve a lack of customer interest, as it's pretty clear that's simply untrue.
This is a HUGE deal for a large number of people, many of whom are in the situation where Box has been provided by their employers, but they use a Linux operating system for their work. I'm in just such a situation.
This is not the late 1990s anymore. You can keep pretending that Linux is an obscure operating system and there's no market in it, but no one is fooled.
Anonymous commented
Given that Linux support is the MOST requested idea (by a factor of two) for Box Drive, can we see a roadmap to getting it implemented?