Smaller icons for Box Drive on windows
The "status" icons on folders/files in Box Drive cover up 80% of the thumbnail for the file (or folder itself). This happens when explorer is set to list or details view.
This makes scanning a folder with many documents for a particular file type extremely difficult, as there's not much visual distinction between excel, word, and ppt docs when they're all covered by one of the Box Drive syncing status icons. The PPT/Excel/Word logos are completely covered with just a vague hint of color peeking out.
It would be ideal to figure out some way to make these icons smaller, move them, whatever, so we can have that visual distinction between file types back.

This was delivered in Box Drive v2.16!
Anonymous commented
Please, please, please fix this. I waste so much time guessing what file type is behind the icon.
Anonymous commented
These icons should be the same size as in Box Sync. In that system they were smaller yet still distinguishable by color to indicate the file status on your local machine. Given those icons were already designed and implemented in your older solution, swapping those icons or allowing a setting to switch between the different ones so those that do appreciate the larger size identifications can continue to do so.
This is a huge productivity loss when moving from Box Sync to Box Drive and any good UX design review should have caught this if you considered interoperability and user workflow with such a baseline system like Windows Explorer.
What is more disconcerting however, is the amount of time this request has been open. I would not let my team postpone something that literally could be fixed by an entry level developer in one day making it adjustable, or in one hour by adjusting the icon set that is deployed during the product installation.
Anonymous commented
I can't tell what kind of files I am looking at. makes it very difficult to distinguish a file folder from a jpg, from a text document. please fix this!
Anonymous commented
I found this workaround:
Go to c>program files>box>box> do a search for .ico files. Find the one with the green check mark. To me, this icon is the only real issue, because I want to see the others, that indicate problems with uploads. If you don't have a mark, you know, everything is peachy.
You can do one of two things at this point, delete it or just move it somewhere else so Box can't find it. The only bad news is that every update, you have to delete the file again. Still, worth the time, in my opinion. Enjoy!
Adam Schaffer commented
why is this still 'under consideration' from Oct 2019??? It could be fixed in an hour!!
Anonymous commented
Please Fix!!
Anonymous commented
Please change this. A smaller version of the status icon would be more than enough. We're trying to roll out the use of Box Drive to replace our normal server and this is unusable. File types icons are a major part of how people scan, interact with, and use their files. This not a habit that needs to be disrupted!
Anonymous commented
This was fine in Box Sync - the extra tick/cross/etc didn't obscure the underlying folder/file-type icon. In Box Drive it does, which as many others have said, makes 'scanning' a folder harder than it needs to be in list or detail view. Yes, I could change my workflow to use contents or medium icons Views, but the icon views don't show date modified, and both views only show half the number of files at the same time as details or list View. I'm considering going back to BoxSync, even though I know it has issues.
Anonymous commented
How is this not a top priority. I just switched computers and they started appearing. These are a total disaster and slow down the ability to find the right file. The check takes over the entire icon, and provides little value... Can you go back to the old icon?
Anonymous commented
Has this still not been fixed? Over a year and still huge icons covering up my document?
Anonymous commented
Pay attention Box product owners - my first experience after moving files to the Box folder was discovering your overlay icon obscured my view of ALL file type icons when using the Details view in Windows. And now I have to face this experience all day, every day! How in the world did you miss or ignore this usability issue?!! Based on community posts I see that you've avoided addressing it for over a year. If I was not being forced to use Box Drive by my company I dump it immediately. I will be sure to warn anyone who asks about the poor experience I have using Box.
John Godman commented
SOLVED this! Just go to C:\Program Files\Box\Box\ and look for the files ending in .ico. These are the Windows icon files Box Drive uses to overlay on the file icons. I edited BoxAvailableOffline.ico using a free icon editor (Greenfish Icon Editor) and shrunk the check mark down to half its size, and VOILA! Much smaller icons!
I'd post the icon file but don't think this board can do that... Good luck all!
John Godman commented
Yes, please implement this. I don't mind the red exclamation points for problem files, etc. But for normal sync'd folders, all I get is green checkmarks and it makes the icons worthless.
Anonymous commented
Please DO fix this! It is enough to make me consider not using Box.
Jon Dierking commented
Agreed! The large status Icon is way too large. I can't tell what each file type is. I switched from Box sync to Drive and may go back because of this issue. Please fix asap.
Anonymous commented
Please fix this ASAP. Its incredibly annoying
Anonymous commented
Absolutely agree with everything said about this issues. It is the one thing that I don't like about
Box. Please resolve. -
Anonymous commented
This needs to be addressed ASAP. Extremely inconvenient. I can't distinguishing folders from files without considerable time and eye strain, and nearly impossible to distinguish certain file types.
Anonymous commented
Several people in our unit are complaining about this and are moving all their files from Box to other storage options because of this. I doubt I'll be able to get them back to Box even if you do change the icon. Other storage options don't feel the need to show if a file is available offline or in the cloud using the icon, why does Box feel the need to change the icon? Some people are even finding it difficult to tell the difference between a file and a folder!
Please multiply my vote by at least 30^
Consider the "status column" as suggested LAST YEAR ( and roll it out FAST because, believe me, you're losing people daily!
Anonymous commented
Please change these icons, they are COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE, which I believe should be a big red flag for a service like BOX.