Remember sort order for a folder
Remember the sort order chosen for a folder, whether by date or by name. Some folders will always need to be sorted one way or the other - currently have to re-sort multiple times a day when going back and forth between folders.

Anonymous commented
Hello, box is used in my company to share files between entities, less annoying for certain than Google services linkage on external email address.
People put files for long term storage.
Sometimes, we are interested by update date to see if there is work done, but, we mainly navigate between folders to get old content.
It may be a bad service choice by my company, considering the usage (not for collab).To be frank, it's so boring to have to sort everytime that I have downloaded the content once for all and put it on Google Drive and/or local folder. By the way, the download speed was another issue.
I will have to use it again to get new contents and there, the forced sort choice will be useful.In a more constructive way, I'm beginning to look for a browser addon adding sort parameter to each opened url (if not search ones). Nevertheless, the service name is to common to find it quickly.
By the way, there is a result for a dead one, found in your "" help. -
Anonymous commented
Agree entirely. Using the sort order of 'all files' as the global default is insanely annoying - every time you click back, every time you open a folder, it's not where you left it. DIFFERENT FOLDERS NEED DIFFERENT SETTINGS!
Anonymous commented
Agree with this suggestion 100%. I have to manually change the sort (usually from Update to Name) in every folder I use, which is a waste of time. It could be an Account Setting or Folder Setting.
John Nickell commented
I could have sworn that previously all of my folders were sorted by date (most recent first) now they seem to be sorted by name. I'm not sure if something changed or I'm misremembering, but it's pretty annoying to sort a folder by update date (recent first) and then need to do it for each of the subfolders that I'm navigating through.
Anonymous commented
Box is fantastic expect this sort problem.
Please resolve it! -
Anonymous commented
hi I am supporting this request. The current setting is to sort the folders and files by "date" as the default settings, but we would like to see the folders and files by "name" or at least please give us an access to change the default settings of "sorting" function. The official BOX website says that you can change the sorting settings by editing the URL when you share the link , but it obviously doesn't work when you go back to the previous page or something.
Anonymous commented
Example: We have a Client folder that should always be sorted alphabetically to easily find a client by last name. However, all subfolders within the Client folder are files pertaining to the client that should always be sorted by Date, not alphabetically as the title of the document is immeterial but the most recent documents should always be at the top.
Sort should be determined by User, NOT folder owner. Once a folder is re-sorted, it should "stick" this way any time that folder is opened.
Another example: we lease properties. We have a folder of property brochures that should always be sorted by Name (property address in numerical order) for most of our employees. But for the one person who updates the brochures, this person always needs to see this folder sorted Oldest to Newest so that he can keep everything updated.
Anonymous commented
We use Box across a number of teams within our business. Each team works on different projects but all use the same folder structure for consistency. This should mean that it is easy to navigate to a chosen folder, regardless of the team you are in (also makes it easy for managers etc. to maintain an overview across the teams). If the sort order default is 'most recently updated first', the folder structure is constantly changing which makes it much more time consuming to navigate. An option to choose the default sort order would eliminate this issue.
Another use case is where we have projects with unique numerical identifiers e.g. 001_, 002_ etc. At any one time multiple projects will be worked on, which means the folder order is constantly changing to put the most recently updated at the top. Having an option to set the default order to alphabetical would mean the projects would stay in order, without having to manually sort by name each and every time.
For us, it would work best if the sort order could be determined by the folder owner although giving individual users the option would not be an issue - as long as we get an option to set the default one way or another! Thanks
Anonymous commented
Is it possible to have a default for the folder owner and an override for the user? At minimum folder owner being able to sort in a particular order (especially for the top-level hierarchy) would be very helpful. Anything dated most recent ends up at the bottom all the time and that's a problem that gets worse with time without the ability to default sort order. Having to label everything with numbers gets's 2022, make it efficient and flexible.
Anonymous commented
We'd prefer to see sort-order determined user-by-user. If two users are using a shared folder, and one prefers to sort by name and another by date, each should be able to see the folder sorting as they prefer for their individual purposes.
If no sort order for a folder has been selected, then folders should continue to default to the sort order selected for the closest folder up the tree where an order has been specified. I.e., if All Files is alpha sorted, and All Files > Dates is date-sorted, everything below Dates should also be date-sorted the same way unless a specific alternative is selected for that descendant folder. if All Files > Dates > Birthdays is then sorted alphabetically, it and all its descendants should sort alphabetically, while the remainder of folders under Dates continue to sort by date, and the remainder of folders under All Files sort by alpha.
Anonymous commented
Yes, please! This is still a huge time waster in my company.